mindxbody.medshare.co.kr 사용기간이 만료되었습니다.
Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
Select * from edu_upso2_config

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_upso2_si order by sort_number asc

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_upso2_si_gu

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT * FROM edu_happy_menu_conf ORDER BY number DESC

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
Delete from edu_attend where last_access_time < DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -1 DAY)

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
Delete from edu_attend_sub where last_access_time < DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -1 DAY)

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT Count(*) FROM edu_happy_member_secure WHERE group_number = '900000000' AND menu_title = '동영상등록' AND menu_use = 'y'

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT * FROM edu_happy_icon_list

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT * FROM edu_happy_menu_conf ORDER BY number DESC

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT fieldName, fieldTitle FROM edu_upso2_form

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select number, category_name from edu_upso2_category order by category_sort desc

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select category_templet FROM edu_upso2_category WHERE number=''

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_upso2_si order by sort_number

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_upso2_si order by sort_number

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_auto_search_word where number = 1

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select number from edu_upso2_category WHERE category_name=''

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT number FROM edu_upso2_stats WHERE regdate='2024-04-26' AND regtime='19'

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
INSERT INTO edu_upso2_stats SET regdate='2024-04-26' , regtime='19' , regweek='5' , totalCount='1' , page1Count = '1'

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select * from edu_upso2_si order by sort_number asc

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
DELETE FROM edu_movie_token WHERE make_time < 1714118446

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select sum(totalCount) from edu_upso2_stats

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select sum(totalCount) from edu_upso2_stats where regdate = curdate()

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select sum(totalCount) from edu_upso2_stats where regdate = '2024-04-25'

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
select Count(*) from edu_upso2_links

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT count(*) FROM edu_happy_banner_slide WHERE display = 'Y' and ( now() between startdate and enddate )

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT * FROM edu_happy_banner_slide WHERE display = 'Y' and ( now() between startdate and enddate ) ORDER BY sort DESC LIMIT 0,

필라테스에 재활을 입히다!

지금 바로 볼 수 있는 무료강의!

모든 과목의 핵심노트부터 수료증 발급까지 한번에!

오프라인부터 온라인까지 체계적인 교육 커리큘럼 한눈에 보기

지금 가장 인기있는 강의!

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT Count(*) FROM edu_happy_member_secure WHERE group_number = '900000000' AND menu_title = '동영상리스트' AND menu_use = 'y'

동영상 리스팅 권한이 없습니다.

Unable to connect to database !
<- 오류번호
SELECT * FROM edu_upso2_popup WHERE category = '메인페이지' AND startDate < '2024-04-26 19:00:46' AND endDate > '2024-04-26 19:00:46' AND display = 'Y' order by number ASC